Monday, July 13, 2009

Nothing much going on here

This weekend up north beautiful sunset.
We had fun our friend Scotty and Alita's wedding.

We danced the night away and played with the two beautiful twin flower girls Allison and Madison. They had a ball. Not much news on the adoption at this point still have our fingers crossed and hope all are praying with us that our dreams to become parents come true.

Monday, July 6, 2009

I got to see Haley Marie

So I got to go over my friends house and see there new baby girl yesterday. Which was funny because her due date was yesterday. She is really cute and she was really good when I was there. I practically held her the whole time we were there. Se only cried once and that was when she wanted her diaper changed. They look happy to have her but tired. I think she keeps them on there toes. But all in all I am happy for them.
Nothing going on with the adoption yet still praying and waiting for that day to come when it is finally my turn. But I know when that day comes all this waiting will feel well worth it to have a child.

Thursday, July 2, 2009


Congratulations goes out to our friends who had a baby Girl on Tuesday June 30. Hailey Marie who is 8 lbs and if I remember correctly 21 inches. Just wanted to congratulate them. She came early. Her due date was July 5th but lucky for them she came early. Have not seen the baby yet but called and when they are up to it they will have us over.
Nothing new with the adoption just still awaiting that day for that very important call. :)